
Our sales and delivery service

Delivery service: You have the choice to pick up your order from our shop or receive it by courier, with the extra charge of €3.90.

Usually we dispatch your order within 5-9  working days. In case an item is out of stock, you will be informed and your order will be dispatched within the next 10 working days.

  •                 For embroidered items please estimate up to 2 extra working days for delivery time.

  •              In the case of specialized orders please estimate up to 10 working days for delivery time.

Please note that during the first months of the school year (September & October ), there might be a small delay on orders & delivery, due to having many orders processed at the same time. For your convenience, you are advised to make your purchases in advance.

Our products are available to our customers and can be purchased online, in our shop or by email. 

Our opening hours are:

Monday            9:00 – 17:00

Tuesday           9:00 – 20.00

Wednesday      9:00 – 17:00

Thursday          9:00 – 20.00

Friday              9:00 – 20.00         

Saturday          9:00 – 15:00

*JULY: Monday to Friday  9.00 - 15.00